American Voters MUST Listen To This
Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security is working with The State Department “to create offices down in foreign countries to bring more people in, in their foreign country and help them invade the United States.”
“It’s unbelievable and they want the American taxpayer to pay for it.”
“My amendment prohibits the Department of Homeland Security from working with the State Department to establish something they call safe mobility offices.”
“Enabling the invasion of America is not enough, the Biden administration wants to create offices down in foreign countries to bring more people in”
“Not only allowing illegals to invade our country, he is actively importing these terrorists and rapists into our country through the establishment, taxpayer funded by the way, safe mobility offices.”
“We have built safe mobility offices in Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Costa Rica, to reach people where they are, so they don’t have to take the perilous journey”
“I can’t even believe this is a real thing. He is not discouraging or preventing these illegals from invading our borders. He’s showing them how to do it and he’s making it easier for them to come by establishing offices in those foreign countries, bringing them in and telling them how to come to the United States.
According to the State Department, the Safe Mobility Initiative is one of the many ways the United States is facilitating access to safe and lawful pathways from partner countries in the region at no cost to them.”
“So refugees and vulnerable migrants don’t have to undertake dangerous journeys”
Why it's imperative Trump wins and this ridicule goes in reverse gear …
— Brian Basson (@BassonBrain) July 2, 2024