Why I believe bond ETF $TLT is a great Invesment.

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by One-Hovercraft-1935

I believe $TLT is a great investment for the next 3-5+ years. With the current macroeconomic environment, there is a lot of potential here for capital gains. This claim is based on the recent lowering of interest rates.

I have ALWAYS been bullish on the U.S stock market. Despite that, I have a feeling there will soon be a lot of market turmoil. There is a lot on the table right now regarding the economy and management of foreign policy. Much will need to be decided after the upcoming election.

The data I have gathered from FRED will be charted from 2004 to 2024. The previous years numbers are averaged on a monthly basis to total an annual figure for that year.

Federal Funds Effective Rate Over 20 Years (FRED)

S&P 500 20 Year Performance

As you can see, each time the FFR has been raised within the span of a few years, once rate cuts start, the market plumets. On June 30th, 2004, the FFR was raised from 1.0% to 1.25%. Following this, there was 16 more rate hikes between 2004-2006 resulting in a final rate of 5.25%. On September 18th, 2007, rate cuts started. The initial was -50 bps. Sound familiar? After 9 more sequential rate cuts between 2007-2009, the FFR was .16% for the beginning of 2009.

From the timeframe of rate increases and decreases in 2004-2009, the market was a catastrophe. The same can be seen in the years 2015-2021. On December 17th, 2015, rate hikes started from .25% to 2.16% ending December 20th, 2018. The following year starting in August, rates were once again steadily cut until March 16th, 2021, with an ending rate of nearly zero. From 2021-2024 we have seen rates rise to 5.33% and just yesterday were cut 50 bps.

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TLT 52-week Low/High price during the years mentioned:

2004 – $83.10 – $89.55

2005 – $89.33 – $96.70

2006 – $84.16 – $91.53

2007 – $85.17 – $94.99

2008 – $90.28 – $119.35

2009 – $89.89 – $105.71

This data represents a 27.20% gain over 5 years. Now for 2015-2020.

2015 – $117.46 – $130.69

2016 – $119.13 – $141.56

2017 – $120.17 – $127.99

2018 – $113.58 – $121.97

2019 – $120.02 – $147.28

2020 – $152 – $171

This data represents a 45.58% gain over 5 years. Now lastly, for 2021-2024.

2021 – $135.45 – $151.59

2022 – $96.11 – $139.87

2023 – $83.58 – $106.46

2024 – $88.82 – $99.01

We can see a 36.80% loss over 5 years.

For these specific periods, the data concludes a lot of price volatility for TLT seeing swings of +27.20%, +45.58% and -36.80%. Price is highest during rate cut years.

Based on this historical data, there seems to be a pattern within 5 years of rate hikes followed by cuts. Rates raise in the first 2-3 years a substantial amount followed by a substantial decrease in rates the following 2-3 years. The FED has announced the prospect of future cuts in the next 2 years with a target rate of 2.9%. This seems like it is following the trend.

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Market Yield on U.S. Treasury Securities at 20-Year Constant Maturity (FRED)

The market yield chart above displays that anything 4.5% and under correlates with an attractive price for TLT compared to what it currently trades at.

iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond ETF (TLT) Yearly 52-Week High (FRED)

It goes without saying that when rates lower, bond prices raise. I have picked this ETF due to the price sensitivity long term bonds experience from rate fluctuations. The fund also has a yield of 3.72% but I am not concerned with that.

To sum up, TLT currently sits at $98.89. If rates can get to the target 2.9%, I expect further upside of a minimum +15.28% resulting in a price of $114. As I mentioned, I believe a lot will unfold in a matter of time and therefore, see the bond market as an excellent play.

NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE. I actually saw some DD on here that contradicts my conclusion. Do what you will. Would love to hear some other opinions.

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