Why Has The United States Been Shaken By So Many Unusual Earthquakes Lately?

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It is getting very difficult to ignore all of the shaking that is going on.  Over the past few months, there have been very unusual earthquakes all over the United States.  As you will see below, there have been noteworthy quakes on the west coast, on the east coast, near our northern border, and near our southern border.  Of course all of this comes at a time when the entire planet is being shaken by unusual seismic activity.  Is all of this unusual seismic activity building up to something?  If so, what does that mean for all of us?

On Tuesday night, a magnitude 5.2 earthquake that shook southern California made headlines all over the nation

An earthquake northwest of Los Angeles shook a large swath of Southern California on Tuesday night, but there were no immediate reports of damage.

The U.S. Geological Survey said the 5.2 magnitude temblor struck at 9:09 p.m. and was centered near Mettler, an unincorporated area in Kern County about 85 miles (137 kilometers) from downtown Los Angeles.

Following the quake, Dr. Lucy Jones went on television and revealed that her initial assessment was that the quake was not associated with any known fault.

I thought that was quite strange.

Another earthquake expert named Ole Kaven agreed with that assessment, but he did note that this particular area is known for earthquakes

There isn’t a known fault in the area where the earthquake struck on Tuesday night, but it’s still an area known for earthquakes, said Ole Kaven, U.S. Geological Survey research geophysicist.

The shaking was felt over a very large area.

In fact, it was being reported that this earthquake was felt by those living “in Ventura, Simi Valley, Camarillo, Santa Clarita, Encino, Hollywood, Santa Monica, North Hollywood and Woodland Hills”.

Subsequently, there have been more than 200 aftershocks in that same region…

There have been more than 277 aftershocks to Tuesday’s magnitude 5.2 earthquake in Southern California, two with a magnitude 4.0 or greater – but the likelihood of another, larger shock is still low, the U.S. Geological Survey said.

“Seeing a lot of these smaller events that slow over time is very normal,” said Ole Kaven, a research geophysicist with USGS.

Hopefully things will settle down soon.

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But it is just a matter of time before the earthquakes return.

For more than a decade, I have been specifically warning about what will happen to the state of California when “the Big One” finally strikes.

Scientists assure us that “the Big One” is overdue, and the damage that it will cause will be off the charts.

California is known for earthquakes, but we are also seeing significant shaking in areas of the country that are not known for earthquakes.

For example, the state of New Jersey has been shaken by more than 200 earthquakes over the past three months…

It’s not known for being a hotspot for earthquakes.

But New Jersey has been rattled by more than 200 tremors in the past three months.

In the middle of the country, a magnitude 2.9 earthquake was just recorded directly under Lake Michigan

As an earthquake nut, I thought I had seen it all. An earthquake Friday proves that I still haven’t. The USGS has confirmed there was an earthquake under Lake Michigan Friday which was felt by many in Wisconsin.

The USGS confirms that an earthquake large enough to be felt by dozens in Wisconsin happened at 9:18am and was centered under Lake Michigan.

This bizarre earthquake registered 2.9 on the Richter Scale and was reportedly felt by many near Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin.

We will want to keep a very close eye on any seismic activity around the Great Lakes, because it could have very serious implications for the city of Chicago at some point in the future.

Meanwhile, so many earthquakes have been happening in one county in Texas that a state of emergency was formally declared

So many earthquakes have struck the west Texas county of Scurry in the past week – more than 100 at last count – local officials have declared a state of emergency.

Scurry County Judge Dan Hicks wrote in his Friday declaration of disaster that since the first earthquake, registering magnitude 4.9, was felt the night of July 22, “damage has been found throughout Scurry County in businesses and residences.”

In my previous article entitled “5 Reasons Why You Should Be Prepping Like Crazy Right Now”, I warned that natural disasters would be a major theme during the second half of this year and beyond.

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Of course there are a lot of other reasons why so many people are feverishly preparing for “the perfect storm” that is now upon us.

Global events are starting to spin out of control, and there is a tremendous amount of concern about what is coming next.

Earlier today, I came across a CNN article that discussed the fact that many among the elite are now constructing “21st century fortresses” in anticipation of what is ahead…

Few things appear to soothe the existential anxieties of the super-rich like a bunker designed to withstand anything short of total nuclear Armageddon. Yet it’s no longer enough for the security-conscious billionaire to stick an impenetrable safe room in the basement where it might sit empty forever. In today’s uber-prime properties, bunkers have gone seriously upmarket and hi-tech, in some cases growing to the extent that whole homes are becoming 21st century fortresses.

“We’ve seen a lot more of a focus on entertainment,” said Al Corbi, who has been at the forefront of secure luxury for 50 years as the president and founder of SAFE (Strategically Armored & Fortified Environments), based in Virginia, in the US. “If you’re going to be able to survive underground, we want you to be having fun.”

Do you think that those elitists are going too far?

I don’t.

We have entered a time of tremendous political chaos, global war, worldwide food shortages, deadly pestilences and historic natural disasters.

If you are wise, you will be working extremely hard to get prepared for what is coming too.