Why Gold Shines In Dark Times

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By Matthew Piepenburg

Get an exclusive seat to this condensed version of a two-part interview between VON GREYERZ partner, Matthew Piepenburg, and Gary Bohm of Metals & Miners.

Piepenburg squarely addresses some of the most pressing topics of our time, including:

– The upcoming US presidential election and its potential impact on the USD

– Staggering global debt levels vs. limited options to resolve a generational crisis

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– The interplay of economic stress and rising social unrest as many Americans feel discouraged by their leadership options

– How currency devaluation creates a misleading impression of stock market returns

– The latest evidence of ongoing de-dollarization trends

– Tricks used by the Federal Reserve to conveniently excuse its generational failures

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– Why gold, rather than traditional risk asset allocations, is a common sense asset for wealth preservation

– Blunt advice for those seeking financial security in challenging times

Watch now and discover the value of employing logic, facts, and numbers to better achieve wealth preservation goals in era of increasingly objective paper wealth destruction.

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