Why Do They Have To Ruin Just About Everything?

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by Michael

I am not one of those people that believe that everything in our society was better decades ago when I was growing up.  But without a doubt, those that are running our society today have ruined so many of the things that were truly great when I was a child.  Among other things, they have ruined our sports, our movies, our schools, our churches, our military, our architecture, our culture and our federal government.  Just about all of our major institutions have been infested by incompetence and political correctness, and it is getting worse with each passing year.

When I was growing up, Craftsman tools were world famous for their quality.

Sadly, the brand was eventually sold to Stanley Black & Decker, and a 90 million dollar factory was built in Texas to build Craftsman tools for a new generation.

But the factory was so poorly built that it ended up being a total failure, and now it is being closed less than four years after it opened

The world’s largest tool company couldn’t figure out how to make a wrench.

Stanley Black & Decker built a $90 million factory on the edge of Fort Worth, Texas, intending to burnish the Made-in-the-U.S.A. luster of the Craftsman brand by forging mechanics’ tools with unprecedented efficiency. But the automated system was a bust, and the tools that were supposed to be pumped out by the million are so hard to find that some consider them collector’s items.

In March, 3½ years after breaking ground, Stanley announced it was closing the factory. The property is now being advertised for sale.

They have totally ruined a once great brand, and that is extremely unfortunate.

The Washington Post has been ruined too.

In the late 1980s and early 1990s, I actually enjoyed reading the Post.  In particular, I found myself mesmerized by the wonderful articles that Tony Kornheiser would write about the Redskins.  I so looked forward to reading his latest witty observations about the team.

Needless to say, those days are long gone.

In the years since, the Post has been transformed into a far-left political rag, and now it is on pace to lose approximately 100 million dollars this year

10 years after The Washington Post was purchased by Amazon founder and billionaire Jeff Bezos, the outlet is “on a pace to lose about $100 million in 2023,” according to a recent New York Times report.

Bezos took over the Post for $250 million in 2013, in one of the most significant media acquisitions of the last decade. The Post’s famous saying, “Democracy Dies in Darkness,” became the official slogan of the paper in 2017, under Bezos’ watch.

But it seems that even Bezos could not turn around The Post’s flagging popularity with readers.

Those in positions of power have also totally ruined the experience of going to the movies.

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When I was growing up, going to see a movie was a special event.

But now most Hollywood movies relentlessly push far-left propaganda down our throats, and actually visiting one of our extremely filthy movie theaters can be a very dangerous thing to do

The enchanting silver screens of our childhoods have been transformed into dens of dingy darkness – and even danger.

Video emerged this week of a shocking attack on a 63-year-old man in Florida, who had the temerity to ask a couple to move from the preassigned seat that he had purchased.

The younger aggressor launched himself at the man, knocking him to the ground, before pummelling him in the face, as the trailer for the new Mission Impossible movie played in the background.

I couldn’t do an article like this without mentioning the Bidens.

They have brought so much disgrace and so much dishonor to the White House, and the rest of the world is literally laughing at how pathetic our government has become.

On Wednesday, U.S. Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene publicly displayed images of Hunter Biden having sex with prostitutes

Congress got an earful on Wednesday of evidence and details how the DOJ establishment obstructed and tried to derail any legitimate investigation into the alleged crimes of the Biden family, with confirmation from whistleblowers that their superiors repeatedly denied them permission to file charges, investigate – even to ask questions.

But one of the more memorable moments came when U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., presented images of confessed tax cheat Hunter Biden more or less unclothed.

There are a multitude of such images that have become available from the laptop computer he abandoned at a repair shop, as he documented, and then forfeited the rights to, his confessed escapades with prostitutes. The images were blocked, strategically.

And this week more evidence emerged that proves that the Bidens have taken in millions upon millions of dollars in bribes from foreign sources.

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But the Bidens have nothing to fear, because our deeply corrupt law enforcement officials won’t do anything about this.

So Joe Biden is free to continue to ruin literally everything that he touches.

And that includes our military.

On Friday, diversity-obsessed Biden nominated a woman to lead the U.S. Navy even though the Secretary of Defense had recommended a very highly qualified man for the position

Casting aside the recommendation of his defense secretary, President Biden on Friday nominated Admiral Lisa Franchetti to command the US Navy. If confirmed, she would be the first woman to command a military branch and the first on the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Biden’s move took many observers by surprise, as Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin had recommended Admiral Samuel Paparo for the position. Paparo is TOPGUN graduate with more than 6,000 hours in F-14s, F-15s and F/A-18s, 1,100 carrier landings and experience commanding forces in war zones.

However, with the Biden administration obsessed with diversity hires, Paparo’s bid was likely doomed by the fact that he’s a white man.

My father was in the U.S. Navy, and it greatly saddens me to see what has happened to that once great institution.

In recent years, our military has been transformed into a far-left social experiment, and vast numbers of conservative young people no longer have any interest in joining as a result.

Everywhere around us, our major institutions are being destroyed, and our leaders have put us on a course that leads to national suicide.

But those that are running things aren’t going to change what they believe.

They are just going to keep doing what they are doing, and that is really bad news for all Americans.

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