When you ruin every place you rule, people eventually notice….

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BASICALLY, BY BEING AWFUL: How the Democrats lost Florida: Their negligence in the former swing state paved a path for Republican dominance.


Rather than simply making America great again Ron DeSantis, Florida’s governor, is bent on making America Florida. That rallying-call should send shivers down any Democrat’s spine. In a state that used to swing, today Republicans hold supermajorities in both legislative chambers, control both Senate seats and every statewide executive office. The policies passed in its statehouse this session were some of the most hardline in the country.

In February Mr DeSantis called the Florida Democratic Party (fdp) a “dead, rotten carcass on the side of the road”. His diagnosis was not all wrong. The party that delivered two consecutive wins for Barack Obama is now in disarray, its foot soldiers dejected. “You can put Jesus Christ on the ballot, but if he’s got a ‘d’ next to his name no one in Florida will vote for him,” says one party strategist.

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See also  We need a new rule for future elections to ensure fairness.


h/t Glenn