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Legal scholars want UN to order America to pay trillions of dollars in reparations to blacks

African-American law professors and critical race theorists are urging the United Nations to order America to pay millions of dollars to each black citizen, reports the London Daily Mail. That would cost America over $200 trillion, many times the size of its economy. Some left-wing legal scholars claim reparations are required by international human-rights treaties signed by the U.S. or by customary international law.

Their effort reflects the reality that reparations are very unpopular among American taxpayers, so there is little chance that the federal government will pay reparations, unless it is ordered to do so by the UN. 63 percent of Americans oppose reparations, although 57% of voters age 18 to 29 support them.

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“Justin Hansford, a professor at Howard University School of Law, led the charge for $5 million payouts to black Americans at the UN this week, flanked by colleagues from the University of Pittsburgh and Columbia University,” says the Daily Mail:

‘I come to you today with a novel proposal, that we…propose our own vision of justice, and implement that justice,’ Hansford told UN racial justice talks in New York City this week. He called for a ‘process of apology, and reparation — not on their terms, but on our terms.’ Hansford, a rising star of the critical race theory movement…spoke at the UN Permanent Forum on People of African Descent, a group that was created in 2021.

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WELL, YES: Solar panels – an eco-disaster waiting to happen?

“The world has installed more than one terawatt of solar capacity. Ordinary solar panels have a capacity of about 400W, so if you count both rooftops and solar farms, there could be as many as 2.5 billion solar panels.,” says Dr Rong Deng, an expert in solar panel recycling at the University of New South Wales in Australia.

According to the British government, there are tens of millions of solar panels in the UK. But the specialist infrastructure to scrap and recycle them is lacking.
Energy experts are calling for urgent government action to prevent a looming global environmental disaster.

“It’s going to be a waste mountain by 2050, unless we get recycling chains going now,” says Ute Collier, deputy director of the International Renewable Energy Agency.

“We’re producing more and more solar panels – which is great – but how are we going to deal with the waste?” she asks.


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h/t Glenn