When It Comes to Debt, the U.S. Has Chosen Option Two

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By Graham Summers, MBA

As I noted yesterday, the great debt crisis of out lifetimes is approaching.

The U.S. is now adding debt at an exponential rate. The U.S. racked up its first $10 trillion in debt over the course of 232 years. Following the Great Financial Crisis, it added another $10 trillion in just nine years. The next $10 trillion took only four years.

And by the look of things, the next $10 trillion will take even less than that. The U.S. has added $2 trillion in debt in the last four months. We’re now adding $1.2 billion in debt per hour.

See also  Demand for U.S. debt drops. PIMCO plans to diversify, buying bonds outside the U.S. Debt to GDP worse than France.

How will this play out?

Well there are three ways to deal with a major debt problem.

1) Pay it back.

2) Inflate it away.

Guess which one policymakers have opted for?

See also  California's unemployment system is broken, with $20B in federal loan debt.

Why did they spend $8 TRILLION in the span of just 24 months from 2020

Why else is the U.S. running its largest fiscal deficit as a percentage of GDP outside of WWII… despite the fact the economy is still growing!?!

Why else is the Fed providing over $1 TRILLION in reverse repo liquidity schemes to the financial system every single night… despite the fact the financial system isn’t in a crisis?!?