A World Economic Forum professor has declared that parents will soon need to obtain a license from the government in order to raise their own children. According to Connor Kianpour from the WEF-funded University of Colorado Boulder, parents will need to prove that they accept the pro-pedophilia and transgender agenda by the elite before being granted a license.
In his paper, headlined “The Kid’s Aren’t Alright: Expanding the Role of the State in Parenting,” the WEF official argues that the government should take over the primary responsibility for the raising of children. This should pose no problems because biological parents have “no right” to raise their own children, he boldly asserts in the paper published in the Journal of Ethics & Social Philosophy. “Individuals have no right to rear their biological children, nor do they have any interests weighty enough to justify a right to rear children generally,” Kianpour states.
Paper referenced here:
Committee of 300 author John Colemen (former MI6 whistleblower) warned in his book released in the early 1990’s that:
Marriage shall be outlawed and there shall be no family life as we know it. Children will be removed from their parents at an early-age and brought up by wards as state property. Such an experiment was carried out in East Germany under Erich Honnecker when children were take away from parents considered by the state to be disloyal citizens. Women will he degraded through the continued process of “women’s liberation” movements. Free sex shall be mandatory. Failure to comply at least once by the age of 20 shall be punishable by severe reprisals against her person. Self-abortion shall be taught and practiced after two children are born to a woman; such records shall be contained in the personal file of each woman in the One World Government’s regional computers. If a woman falls pregnant after she has previously given birth to two children, she shall be forcibly removed to an abortion clinic for such an abortion and sterilization to be carried out.
(Page 104)
h/t Little Lost