Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. We did get fooled again!
The problem with the national debt can’t be fixed with Mitch McConnell still in the Senate and too many Obama-era political hacks still in Washington DC.
The Obama/Biden era began in 2009 and it still exists despite Trump winning the Presidency for 2025. The Obama/Biden regime along with Congressional assistance drove up US Federal Debt to around $36 TRILLION. That is an increase of a staggering 236% since Obama/Biden were sworn into office in January 2009. And Federal spending is up 121%.
Unfortunately, Trump cannot pull a Javier Milei (Argentina’s libertarian President) and obliterate the bloated carcas of Federal bureaucracy. Democrats and RINOs like Mitch McConnell will work overtime thwarting Trump’s efforts to control the bloat.
And don’t forget the $221 TRILLION in unfunded liabilities (promises) that Congress had made to get elected. That will eventually become Federal debt.