WaPo Pushes 15-Minute Cities- Out of Cars- Into Climate Lockdowns

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CIA mouthpiece, The Washington Post, is promoting 15-Minute cities in the suburbs, which is what the UN and World Economic Forum have promoted for some time.

It begins with this cheery message:

Cities are in a hurry. Many are declaring themselves 15-minute metros, promising access to housing, shopping, schools, and jobs within a 15-minute-or-so walk, bike or transit ride. And who wouldn’t want to live nearly next door to life’s pleasures and necessities?

He then listed a handful of globalist cities as examples. The author claims people falsely claim it will “imprison people,” and it reduces our dependence on cars, and gives us free time.

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He was putting lipstick on the pig.

The UN, WEF, all the globalist organizations want high-density housing and a phasing out of single family dwellings with yards. That’s why they attack zoning laws. The UN wants to destroy capitalism and private ownership of property. They’ve been clear about that.

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The Left has a dystopian carless plan for the masses to live in compact cities. They’ll pretend people are overreacting or conspiratorial, but this is happening.


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