USA Today lied to readers about who is actually threatening to bomb Target stores: It’s the radical left, NOT the right

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via naturalnews:

Once again, USA Today, the far-left rag that claims to be so ‘neutral’ in its reporting, has been caught outright lying to its readers.

The paper reported last week that Target stores in some locations were being inundated with threats, including bomb threats over LGBTQ “Pride month” displays of clothing and other merchandise specifically aimed at children. That’s not appropriate at all, of course, but Target’s executives, like those of most other American corporations, have gone all-in on virtue signaling to the tiny ‘woke’ minority in our country that is driving our cultural decline.

The outlet did report on an email threat to the company that appears to be supportive of the LGBTQ mob. The email said, in part: “Target is full of cowards who turned their back on the LGBT community and decided to cater to the homophobic right wing redneck bigots who protested and vandalized their store.”

But later in the article, USA Today focused much more on conservatives while intimating that they, not leftists, were driving the hate:

Target has been hit with a conservative backlash for merchandise it carries to promote Pride Month. Target’s website carries hundreds of Pride products, including T-shirts, books and furnishings. Pride Month begins in June.

After critics posted videos of people attacking LGBTQ Pride displays and confronting employees in Target stores, the company held emergency meetings and decided to remove or relocate some Pride merchandise so the merchandise is less visible in stores.


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At issue was misinformation spread about “tuck friendly” swimsuits that allow trans women who have not had gender-affirming operations to conceal male genitals. Some social media accounts falsely claimed the swimsuits were being sold in children’s sizes.

Conservatives also seized on Target’s partnership with Abprallen, which they claimed features Satanist designs. Target sells an Abprallen sweatshirt with a snake that says: “Cure transphobia, not trans people.”

The remainder of the article talked about how ‘awful’ conservatives were being to the ‘trans community.’

“Hundreds of bills targeting LGBTQ people – particularly transgender people – have been introduced by Republican lawmakers in statehouses across the country, seeking to regulate what bathrooms they can use, what medical care they can receive and what sports teams they can play on,” the story said.

Prominent figures in the GOP such as Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who is campaigning for the Republican presidential nomination, have elevated divisive issues such as gender-transition care for minors.”

The report went on to quote officials with “LGBTQ groups.”

“Extremist groups and individuals work to divide us and ultimately don’t just want rainbow products to disappear, they want us to disappear,” said Kelley Robinson, president of the Human Rights Campaign, said in a statement to USA Today. “For the past decade, the LGBTQ+ community has celebrated Pride with Target ?it’s time that Target stands with us and doubles-down on their commitment to us.”

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The story also noted that, on Twitter, California Gov. Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, ripped Target’s CEO Brian Cornell, accusing him of “selling out the LGBTQ+ community to extremists.”

But the fact of the matter is, the most serious threat to the retail chain was the threat of planting bombs at various stores — not conservatives voicing their opposition to merchandise that is clearly meant to brainwash and propagandize children.

The USA Today piece instead decided to focus primarily on fabricating a ‘conservative threat’ and make the issue about ‘conservative hate’ instead of pointing out the obvious threat from the left.

That’s not by mistake, either, it’s by design: The left-wing hacks who run USA Today hate conservatives so, like the rest of the garbage mainstream media, they protect their cherished leftist allies.

That’s the worst kind of lie. If you want to read a better version of this story, read the Newsweek article.

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