Trumps candidacy is akin to an audience member getting on stage with a bunch of actors and including himself in a play where he doesn’t know the script and has no friends.
All the actors, Republican and Democrat, are shooting each other looks like “is this guy serious”, but ultimately can’t break character in front of the US public. They want him gone so they can stop improvising and the show can go on as it did before.
The republicans are especially in a bind, because while they hate Trump for not being one of them and for ruining their play, they can’t openly criticize him. The voters have his back, and attacking a fellow republican would only out themselves as an actor.
The task of removing Trump from the stage has defaulted to the Democrats. They can attack him and his candidacy and call it regular politics. But people who have been watching the play for long enough see that this isn’t the normal script we’ve been hearing for decades.
They aren’t secretly friends like the Bushes and Clintons are. When the show is over they won’t meet up with Trump for drinks and dinner.
This time the differences are real and the hate is intense. The actors are destroying their own set, shattering the audiences illusion in them, in an attempt to get Trump off the stage.
Trump may get kicked off the stage but the damage to the production is done. The news has exposed themselves and lost the last of their credibility. The politicians, the justice system, the intelligence community, have all broken the 4th wall. Americans will never see their political system the same.