US Dollar Eroded-20% Under Biden/Harris Ring Of Fire (Federal Reserve Was Co-conspirator In Rampant Inflation)

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by confoundedinterest17

The US has fallen into a Ring of Fire under Biden/Harris horrid economic policiies.

But Biden/Harris had help from their deep state partner, The Federal Reserve.

The purchasung power of the US dollar has fallen by a whopping -20% under Biden/Harris. No wonder Harris is afraid to talk to reporters about her plans.

The children in Congress went on a spending spree as a result of COVID resulting in record inflation.

The deep state’s financing arm, The Federal Reserve, certainly helped create inflation by ramping up M2 Money supply around Covid.

Of course, children in Congress and Harris/Walz will use ANY excuse to tax and spend (and borrow/spend). The most recent inflation report had CPI growng at 2.5% YoY resulting in a further decline of purchasing power of the US dollar of -2.5% YoY.

See also  Why Kamala Harris Will Not Bring Prices Down... Her Plan Needs Inflation

Harris/Walz fully intend to keep shoveling TRILLIONS into green energy transformation and supporting illegal immigrants.

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