US Credit Card Debt Pops $1 Trillion

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by Chris Black

These people tell you they’re creating a utopia of mutilated kids, endless war, and blacks going buckwild.

Meanwhile in the real world:


Credit card balances in the US rose by $45 billion in the second quarter, surpassing $1 trillion for the first time ever, the New York Federal Reserve Bank reported on Tuesday.

Delinquency rates have now returned to pre-Covid levels, the bank’s economists said, noting that the two most recent quarters “appear to show some stabilization.”

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Other balances, which include retail credit cards and other consumer loans, as well as auto loans increased by $15 billion and $20 billion, respectively.

The quarterly report shows that student loan balances fell by $35 billion to reach $1.57 trillion, while mortgage balances were largely unchanged at $12.01 trillion.

Total household debt jumped by $16 billion to $17.06 trillion in the second quarter of 2023.

See also  55 cents of every dollar spent in August was borrowed, further inflating the $2 trillion deficit. If a recession hits, this borrowing could spiral out of control.

Does this feel like a utopia to you?

Is this a sign of good national health?

Do you understand something very simple: that this debt increases the costs of everything?

Did you not learn that?

That when debt is easy, it is like a balloon in society’s stomach, inflating the prices of all assets?

Is this what you wanted from your utopia?

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