Is it just me or does it seem there are an unusually large number of Congressional ‘retirements’ coming up into the next term? 50 so far, between both houses. Tack that to the large number of those who chose to not run again in the 2020 and 2018 cycles, and it’s stacked up considerably.
The conventional wisdom seems to be that they want no part of the circus that will be with either a second Trump term OR a likely to be cut short OBiden term. Many of the leaving tend to fall into the ‘moderate’ category, regardless of party.
That would seem to make enough sense to appease the sheep and keep the herd calm.
Yet, I can’t separate this from the other world ‘leaders’ who seem to be playing a disappearing act. Royals, government officials, CEOs… all seem to be cashing out, dropping out, and/or fading away from view.
I’m hard pressed to see this as a US-only event. It’s well-known that the US and Western economies are a propped-up house of cards well past their expiration dates. The United States and Western European countries have not only been critically divided over any number of domestic issues, but are now deal with hoards of invaders who could care less about the traditional values of their new hosts. Long-simmering world hotspots have erupted, with more surely to follow. Free cash flow seems to be headed for the safety of hard assets, gold among them. Countless stories of tech billionaires digging apocalypse bunkers, and it goes on.
All this tells me that we’re facing down some sort of worldwide, existential threat…be it natural, from space, or from war. The kind of cataclysm that would not only be hard to escape, but would be the purest definition of the term ‘the great reset.’
Anyway, not only does something seem to be afoot, but it feels like we’re less than a year from it all going down.
Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) announced that not only will he not be seeing re-election this year, he’s leaving NEXT WEEK. He’s simply decided to not serve out his term, leaving his seat vacant.
h/t Larphillips