Ukraine Now Requesting F-18’s, C-17’s, C-130’s, THAAD, Blackhawk’s, Apache’s, and Hundreds of Billions More

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Per Rooters….

At this point, they are just trying to lay the blame for losing on someone else, you can already see the narrative strategies.

They are being told that the defeat of Ukraine will be blamed ON REPUBLICANS.
Of course, the media won’t dare to question the Obamunist Deep State that has screwed and underestimated things from well before this began. At least not anyone that wishes to remain employed.

See also  FOX/Oregon DMV admits to wrongfully registering hundreds of non-citizens to vote

EVERYTHING they have tried has backfired or boomeranged back on them. Remember how they told us that Russia would just roll over and die once they got cut off of SWIFT?


March 7, 2023
How is US taxpayers’ money being used in Ukraine:

* Money the USA sends is to support the Ukrainian government.
U.S. assistance has helped keep the government functioning.
* Some of the funding has been spent on social assistance payments and salaries for health care workers, first responders and educators.
* It also helps cover pensions and support Ukrainians displaced by the war.


It has also helped to:
* sustain critical healthcare services
* meet its pension responsibilities for 9.8 million people.

It is assisting:
* 1.3 million internally displaced persons
* providing housing assistance to 4.1 million people
* providing social assistance to 240,000 low-income families
* 480,000 persons with disabilities.

Scroll down and LOOK AT THIS:

“How Ukraine Is Tapping the U.S. Arsenal”

U.S. security assistance between January 20, 2020, and September 6, 2023

h/t Flying Elvii

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