UK Prime Minister Walks Back Statement Made by Def. Sec. That British Troops Will be Sent to Fight in the Ukraine

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by Chris Black

India UK’s prime minister Rikki Tikki Tavi walked back statements made by the Defense Chief a few days ago, saying that the UK will definitely not send its soldiers to die in the Ukraine; or OK, maybe they will, but in the distant future, not tomorrow.


According to the PM, the defense secretary actually meant that “it might well be possible one day in the future for us to do some of that training in Ukraine.”

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But that’s something for the long term, not the here and now, there are no British soldiers that will be sent to fight in the current conflict. That’s not what’s happening,” he insisted.

London continues to provide military training to the Ukrainians, but it’s “doing that here in the UK,” Sunak assured.

Sorry, his name is Sunak, an easy mistake to make.

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If you ask me, the defense secretary did not make a gaffe. It was all intentional.

This is how it works: they float an idea and walk it back in order to get you used to the idea.

It’s a mind control technique.

You feel relief when the thing is walked back, but your brain has already registered it, and will be less opposed the next time it is presented, because there is familiarity.