Two British Airways Employees Mysteriously Fall Down Dead…

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A British Airways crew member collapsed and died in front of horrified passengers moments before their jet was due to take off.

The 52-year-old steward fell to the floor as holidaymakers were preparing to fly from London Heathrow to Hong Kong on New Year’s Eve, it has been reported.

In a desperate effort, the jet’s captain urgently called out over the Tannoy for any medically-trained passengers to help, with one flyer qualified in first aid assisting.

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Shocked holidaymakers watched on in horror as first aid was given to the stricken crew member, who had keeled over in the rear galley of BA Flight 32.

However, despite the efforts of passengers, police and paramedics – who arrived later – the steward could not be saved, reports The Sun, with the flight later cancelled due to the ‘medical emergency’.

The tragedy reportedly came just days after a second BA steward, also aged 52, died in America on December 23.