TRUMP Crime Scene Compromised — THOMAS CROOKS. Alleged Assassin’s Autopsy Is Being Withheld — WHAT’S GOING ON?

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ABLECHILD: Crime Scene Compromised — Alleged Assassin’s Autopsy Is Being Withheld — WHAT’S GOING ON?

Photo Credit Butler County Coroners Website
On August 2nd many news outlets reported that the autopsy of Thomas Matthew Crooks had been released by the Butler County Coroner’s office. The fact is that mainstream media is late to the party and the Butler County Coroner’s office released the cause and manner of death of Thomas Matthew Crooks to AbleChild nearly two weeks earlier on July 21st.

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Unfortunately, what the mainstream media doesn’t understand is that the cause and manner of death is not an autopsy and, although an autopsy has already been conducted on the alleged body of Thomas Matthew Crooks,

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