Top AI Investor Says Goal Is to Crash Human Wages…

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Marc Andreessen, cofounder of the massive venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz — which has its fingers in pretty much every pie in tech — has revealed an eyebrow-raising detail in his “techno-optimist” vision of the future.

In a recent tweet, the American billionaire investor casually proclaimed that AI must “crash” everyone’s wages before it can deliver us an economic utopia — one that’ll definitely happen, and certainly not create a permanent underclass of have-nots.

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“A world in which human wages crash from AI — logically, necessarily — is a world in which productivity growth goes through the roof, and prices for goods and services crash to near zero,” Andreessen wrote. “Consumer cornucopia. Everything you need and want for pennies.”

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So fret not, lowly laborer: you may be destined for financial ruin, but paradise is right around the corner. Pinky promise.