This has to be the most incompetent administration in history or they are purposely destroying the country

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Almost everything this administration touches turns to crap. I don’t think they are incompetent I think they are doing this on purpose. How many bad decisions can one man make seriously? They are globalist they are trying to destroy the American empire so they can build back better aka the great reset.

Link to the article:

Biden’s DHS let 200,000 illegal immigrants fly directly into 43 cities

The Biden administration has unleashed a new program to boost illegal immigration that allows immigrants to fly directly from their hometowns into a U.S. city of their choice, according to newly obtained records.

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Instead of rushing the Texas border, the program lets immigrants use the administration’s app to pick a destination, buy an airline ticket, and fly in unseen on what amounts to ghost flights.

“Haitians flew into U.S. airports in the greatest numbers from January through mid-September, a total of 76,582. These Haitians favored one redacted airport over all 36 into which they have flown. Some 47,768 flew into that airport,” the report said.

“The program was offered to Venezuelans a few months earlier, in October 2022. Since then, 63,360 flew into 43 airports, some 39,474 of them into one preferred airport. Some 46,794 Cubans flew into 41 airports, the majority of them, 33,355, favoring one in particular,” it added.

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Biden clearly has Dementia if he is building Trumps wall. Something he said was “racist” lmao. He just gave Trump the win.


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