Things to come as Americas Empire erodes

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by AC

Just pondering on history and what will likely come to pass as the sun sets on Americas empire.

It could be said that the sun never sets on the American Empire because we have bases and a presence all over the world as the British did before us.

After ww2 Britain was broke and in shambles, it took the wise leadership of the venerable Clement Atlee to wield the axe and slash spending abroad and at home to save England from utter ruin and collapse like the Soviet union eventually did. The USSR didn’t have Atlee or wise leaders at all.

America is at a cross road. It can go the way of the USSR or great Britain.

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America has already drew down in the middle east in a dramatic fashion.

America will voluntarily draw down in Asia it seems or will be forced out by China, russia, and north Korea.

Taiwan is an undefendable island surrounded by opposing forces in the long run. We will be forced out of the picture there it seems.

Russia is ensuring a weakened NATO capability in eastern Europe by continuing to drain the west of resources.

China has made progress in south America and Africa.

America is has been broken by 20 years of needless stupid wars in unimportant nations that provided no gains whatsoever, all the while idiocracy was the name of the game domestically at home.

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Will America draw down and slash spending dramatically including the severe gutting of the mil ind complex and social programs while nationalizing critical industries like great Britain did


Will America continue on the same failed path and completely collapse into ruin like the USSR?

These are things to ponder on.

What course do you believe the bankers will take us on?

If you think a ww3 will save America chime in.

Do you think we will have an orderly shrinkage after a ww3? Or a complete collapse in the midst of it?