They’re Trying to Ban Energy Drinks for Teens!

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by Chris Black

Most energy drinks do not even have as much caffeine as coffee.

The problem is not the caffeine, it’s the sugar – which is the same as in any other soda, and actually often lower.

You should have to be 18 to buy sugary drinks.

In fact, sugary drinks should have a label on them saying they lead to death.

They’re a lot more dangerous than cigarettes, I can tell you that. It’s well established.

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Caffeine is not even a problem. This is dumb.

Remember: these same people give amphetamine to kids. If you get generic Adderall, the bottle literally just says “amphetamine.” It’s the only ingredient.


Pediatricians and parents are calling for the U.S. to treat new high-caffeine energy drinks like alcohol and cigarettes and ban their sale to minors as a single serving can contain as much caffeine as six Coca-Colas.

Prime Energy, which launched this year, has 200 mg of caffeine within its 350 ml can — exceeding permissible caffeine levels in Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Rival products like Anheuser Busch InBev-backed (ABI.BR) Ghost energy drinks and Kim Kardashian’s “Kimade” energy drink also have 200 mg of caffeine. Competitor Monster Energy (MNST.O) contains 150 mg of caffeine.

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These are the same people who tell you there are “proven safe doses” of plastic, PFAS, and lead.

But hey – who knows? No one knows anything anymore. I don’t know.

Here’s a useful chart: