WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (WPEC) — Officials are sending out a warning to all parents with small children — be careful where you keep supplemental or medical gummies.
They may look like candy and taste like candy, but melatonin, CBD and THC gummies are not the type anyone should be eating by the handful. According to experts, it’s actually those similarities that have so many kids accidentally gobbling down too many. While in some cases the side effects can be mild, at other times, they can be fatal.
Not a day goes by where I don’t get a call about a child that’s gotten into one of these gummy products,” Florida’s Poison Control Center Medical Director Dr. Jeffrey Bernstein said. “They look like candy right? It shouldn’t be a big mystery why they’re attracted to it.
Dr. Bernstein said he’s been seeing more kids coming into the ER overdosing on melatonin, THC and CBD gummies.