by Able_Introduction417
You have extremists on both sides, the left is just more open about it because it’s pushed more by the media, therefore being deemed as the more “socially acceptable” of the two.
Admitting that you tend to agree with the more conservative side of things immediately puts you in a “pro-trump extremist” category, nothing else considered at all.
Both sides are filled with intolerable, annoying people who take things way too far and make whatever side they’re on look bad, but it seems that any rational, ethical person who leans right will remain silent on that, even if their views don’t have anything to do with the more polarizing topics, because they’ll be bullied or made to feel ostracized in whatever setting they’re in.
Maybe that’s not the case everywhere in America and not everyone feels like this is their experience, but from where I live, that’s exactly the experience people have. I don’t even feel comfortable saying that I do not like Biden, even when my reasons are VALID. If I don’t like Biden, that means I definitely am obsessed with Trump.
Honestly, I don’t feel free in this country anymore. The past few years have felt like unreal, like I’m watching a movie or something. Everyone is so desensitized and it’s actually really weird.