The Younger Generation is Screwed

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by BoatSurfer600

Waking up to work, even though you might not want to, has not so affectionately become known as part of the “hustle.” And while the pandemic has made many workers denounce such hustle culture, the truth of the matter is that many workers are hustling harder than ever to make ends meet as the cost of living continues to outpace stagnant wages.

As many as two in five adults in the U.S. have a side hustle, according to a recent Bankrate survey of 2,500-plus adults, backing up LendingTree data from earlier this year that found side gigs are up by 13% over the past two years and recent Deloitte data that found more millennials and Gen Zers are adding on part-time jobs. Younger workers are more likely to need an extra job: 53% of Gen Zers and half of millennials have one, Bankrate finds, compared to only 40% of Gen Xers and 24% of baby boomers.

It’s a reflection of the state of the economy, which has left many Americans—even those earning six figures—feeling like they’re living paycheck to paycheck. At the end of the day, side hustles have become a necessity for many who are struggling to compete with the pace of inflation and trying to save amid recession fears. It makes sense that younger workers are more likely to have one, considering that the cost of living has been their top concern and stressor for the past two years. Millennials in particular have been struggling to keep their heads above water for years after hopping around a rocky post–Great Recession job market, dealing with inordinate student debt, and shopping around a difficult housing market—all of which has made it harder for them to become financially independent.


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America has failed millennials so badly they’re turning to $1,000-per-month side hustles to make ends meet (Millennials failed Millennials by being the most dumbed-down, brainwashed, emasculated generation in U.S. history, that voted overwhelmingly for their own shafting)

Housing is expensive because big hedge funds saw housing prices increasing by 30% at the same time as stock market lost 40% in value. So millions of homes off the market and prices driven up because millions of homes being purchased! As soon as other investments start producing more income than housing these hedge funds will dump houses with will make the housing market go down. Same game they have been manipulating stock prices for years.

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Our downstairs neighbors had been trying to get us evicted.

It was September 2021. I was 22 and working as a paraprofessional at an elementary school in Boise, Idaho, earning $9 an hour. My wages didn’t go very far there, so I found a roommate to split the $1,900 monthly rent for a two-bedroom apartment just outside the city. We had met one night when her dog, a Rottweiler mix, ran up to play with my dog, Gaspard, a Labrador husky. We were both students — I was pursuing a bachelor’s degree in finance while she was studying medicine.



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