AUSTRALIA – Sky news calling bollocks on the climate hysteria.
The science isn’t settled, you’re just being forced to believe it is 💥
— Bernie's Voice. (@bernie_voice) July 25, 2023
'Climate Science' debunked in 90 seconds.
— Dr. Simon Goddek (@goddeketal) July 24, 2023
#1 The term #ClimateGate was first coined in a critical article by @JamesDeling for the @Telegraph. Unsurprisingly, the piece has since been removed ten years ago. However, the article can still be accessed via the archive (
— Dr. Simon Goddek (@goddeketal) July 24, 2023
#3 Additional emails revealed that they also tried to exclude dissenting scientists from the peer review process. This is deeply unscientific and demonstrates that members of the climate cult are not concerned with the truth.
— Dr. Simon Goddek (@goddeketal) July 24, 2023
NET ZERO BOLLOCKS – They are demanding you buy expensive electric cars to reverse climate change.
It won’t. It never will, it’s a scam!
Oh …
— Bernie's Voice. (@bernie_voice) July 25, 2023
Geologist, Professor Ian Plimer, blows the "human-induced climate change" myth completely out of the water:
"[Changes in climate] are driven by that great ball of heat in the sky, which we call 'the Sun'. A trace gas (CO2) has nothing to do with our climate."
"If we get further…
— Wide Awake Media (@wideawake_media) July 25, 2023