by Chris Black
That weird dude called “The Science” is now saying eating red meat will get you diabetes.
You didn’t see that coming, did you?
I’m shocked to find that these people in the media/government/academy are lying to me again.
I thought at some point, they would have to say something truthful. But apparently not.
The chances of a person developing type 2 diabetes can increase even if they eat red meat just two times a week instead of an alternative option, researchers have said.
Replacing red meat with plant-based protein sources, such as nuts and legumes, may reduce the chances of developing the condition and would also help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and tackle climate change, according to experts at Harvard University.
Wow, trust the experts goy, ‘cuz you’re too stupid to think on your own.
It’s really strange that this new science information coincidentally lines up with the global warming austerity agenda.
YouTube is filled with people reversing type 2 diabetes using carnivore or meat-heavy keto diets.
The basic fact is this: red meat is the single healthiest food of all.
Other than maybe fish. Depending on the type and sourcing.