The only way to appeal an eviction in Tennessee is pay an entire year’s rent upfront

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A new state law requires renters to pay an entire year’s rent to appeal their eviction.

Some attorneys say it’s not practical, especially for tenants with overdue rent.

“We used to have two systems side-by-side where the tenant had to post a year’s rent upfront, and the other where the judge decided what was an appropriate amount of money to protect both sides. What they did is they got rid of that option,” said Elizabeth Leiserson, director of the Eviction Right to Counsel project at Legal Aid Society of Middle Tennessee.

No one wants to be facing eviction. In reality, it can happen to anyone.

“They get a terrible diagnosis, they have to quit their job, and after three months of cancer treatment, they’re being evicted too,” Leiserson said.

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On average, renting in Nashville costs $1,744 a month, according to That means rent is roughly $21,000 a year in the city.

The state law doesn’t explain how a year’s rent is calculated, collected, or returned.

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