It has been agreed that each signatory country shall have a “National IHR Authority” and “The National IHR Authority shall coordinate the implementation of these Regulations within the jurisdiction of the State Party”.
Your government is agreeing changes to your freedom in secret and now will not be able to debate in Parliament
🚨WHO – BREAKING: The IHR working group
Has just released proposed final amendments dated 27th May 2024.All marked in green has been agreed. (See attached link)
It has been agreed that each signatory country shall have a "National IHR Authority" and "The National IHR…
— Bernie (@Artemisfornow) May 27, 2024
They just came out and admitted defeat though!?
— Based Opinions (@Based_Opinion_) May 27, 2024
Only for the Pandemic treaty. The international health regulations are a far greater worry. These are about to be signed and these hand the control of all bio diversity to the WHO
— Bernie (@Artemisfornow) May 27, 2024
h/t Little Lost