The Houthi’s wild claim to have struck a US aircraft carrier is pure fiction

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  • The Houthis’ claim that they struck the USS Eisenhower is untrue, per a defense official.
  • The Houthis claimed the missile attack was retaliation for Thursday US strikes in Yemen.
  • The Eisenhower is a lead ship in the US Navy’s response to the Houthis in the Red Sea.

The Houthis’ claim that they struck a US aircraft carrier in the Red Sea with missiles is untrue, according to a US defense official.

See also  Unconfirmed: Houthi’s Hit 2 Ships In Red Sea, 1 Reportedly Already Sunk, 2nd Abandonded

The missile attack on the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower was alleged by the Iranian-backed military group’s spokesperson Yahya Saree on Friday. Saree claimed the ship was targeted in response to US and UK strikes in Yemen on Thursday.

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