The Pentagon just said none of the aid from the U.S. Navy pier they built off the coast of Gaza has actually gotten to the Gazans.
$320 million U.S. tax dollars and the efforts of 1,000 soldiers and sailors were wasted on this.
Another blunder by
— Paul A. Szypula 🇺🇸 (@Bubblebathgirl) May 26, 2024
In addition to the costs of industrial and military equipment abandoned by the US in other nations, money has also been spent on additional troops and supplies.
The broken $320 million pier off the coast of Gaza is just the latest in a series of costly U.S. military and humanitarian aid mishaps under the Biden administration, following criticism for failed actions in Afghanistan, Ukraine and Niger.
Gaza – $320 million pier damaged after less than two weeks of use
The $320 million pier off the coast of Gaza was intended to deliver humanitarian aid to civilians, but rough weather and choppy seas damaged it after less than two weeks of use. U.S. taxpayers are carrying the cost of rebuilding the pier at a southern Israeli port, but it is unclear how much that will cost. The Pentagon has yet to respond to Just the News’ inquiry about the pier’s repair costs, but it is expected to be back up and running by next week.
The cost of the pier is more than monetary. Three U.S. Marines assigned to the mission suffered non-combat injuries last week.
More than 1,000 metric tons of food aid was brought to Gaza by the pier for trucks to distribute before it was shut down. Although the exact cost of this food aid was not readily available, a potential baseline for costs could be $2,500 per ton, which a 2016 U.S. Air Force study found is the price of ground transport for a ton of food. This could put the cost of food at around $2.5 million. most was stolen by HAMAS 2016 prices, ever hear of inflation
Tens of millions spent on airdrops
The U.S. has also conducted multiple airdrops of humanitarian aid into Gaza. The aforementioned Air Force study determined that the cost of airdrops is about $16,000 per ton of delivered aid. that is the 2016 cost per ton EVER HEAR OF INFLATION
U.S. Central Command said in April that “the U.S. has dropped approximately 855 tons of humanitarian assistance supplies
Niger – Leaving a $110 million U.S. base after less than a decade
Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria – More than $1.6 trillion over two decades
6 $30 mn dollars drones destroyed or captured by Houthis this month alone!!
The humanitarian pier that Biden made to deliver aid in Gaza has washed away.
If this doesn’t sum Biden up idk what does…
— Graham Allen (@GrahamAllen_1) May 25, 2024
The Biden pier in Gaza is sinking into the sea….
($320m sinking along with it…)— Caroline Glick (@CarolineGlick) May 27, 2024
The $320 million dollar pier appears to be sinking off the Gaza coast. This comes days after waves swept away 4 vessels supporting the operation and parts of the pier broke off and floated towards Ashdod. Via @AP
— Eretz Yisrael 24 (@EretzYisrael24) May 27, 2024
Another U.S. MQ-9 Reaper went down over Yemen on Wednesday, (might have been landed there knowing JOE) video footage and images circulating on social media suggest. It is the sixth U.S. MQ-9 Reaper to have been captured by Yemen’s Ansarallah movement and Armed Forces, also known as the Houthis.It is not confirmed whether the $30 million drone was shot down or if it crashed. Video shows the downed drone seemingly in near-perfect condition. The fourth and fifth MQ-9 Reaper drones were reported downed on the 17th and 21st of May
In January, Biden openly admitted that his war was not working but vowed to continue it anyway.“Well when you say ‘[are the strikes] working,’ are they stopping the Houthis?” No. Are they going to continue? Yes,” he told reporters.
h/t Coastie Patriot