On top of printing $4 trillion, the Fed lowered rates to 0% overnight in March 2020.
Now, we have the fastest rate hike campaign in history.
It’s unclear if zero interest rate policy was a net positive.
Follow us @KobeissiLetter for real time analysis as this develops.
— The Kobeissi Letter (@KobeissiLetter) July 31, 2023
Runaway Services Inflation in Euro Area Spikes to Record.
Services are huge. It’s where consumers spend the majority of their money.
Many services are essential to modern life, such as housing and related services, healthcare, insurance, broadband and telecommunications, auto… pic.twitter.com/FCphKADpf6
— Wall Street Silver (@WallStreetSilv) August 1, 2023
Gas prices have a strong influence over consumer inflation expectations. https://t.co/j8hASibKZi
— Lisa Abramowicz (@lisaabramowicz1) August 1, 2023
Gasoline is now up ~50% year to date.
As long as CPI doesn't reverse its record down trend, this will all be fine. pic.twitter.com/cs18n7zbzp
— Mac10 (@SuburbanDrone) August 1, 2023
When the Fed is no longer able to artificially suppress the bond market, it’s game over.
The world is facing unprecedented wealth destruction and very few people are aware or prepared for it.
— Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) July 31, 2023