The Cancer That Is Woke Has Destroyed Television.

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by Dogsbollocks

Everything has been turned to shit on TV by these bastards
It started with TV Commercials as the testing ground.

Replacing all the White People, with Black People. Not even the target group for most manufacturers. They just wanted to appear Woke.

No exaggeration on my part, I would say 90% + of characters in UK TV commercials these days are Black.*I wonder if commercials in Africa are full off-White people, just to piss off the majority population.*Rhetorical.

Here in UK White women have suffered decades of being Fat shamed in to Anorexia by major Clothing/Cosmetic manufacturers in TV Commercials. Now it is cool, and hip to be a Black fat clinically obese female. They actually use Black fat clinically obese females in most Women Clothes/deodorant adverts, you couldn’t make this shit up.

Then it creeped in to all the Movies. Literally every Movie these days has a Person of Colour in the leading role.. Who usually cannot act. Racist in itself because there are some good Black actors out there.

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Replaced by some cheap diversity hire, just to tick all the right boxes. It sets the tone of every Movie. Let us also not forget all the other characters you will find in these Movies. Hysterical homosexual white Guy, Alpha Lesbian White Female. Nerd White Guy in oversized Glasses, usually a totally unfunny J.Dont forget the ultra Cool Black Dude who brings some sanity to all the fucked up dysfunctional white characters.

Place all the above characters in any Box set made now.
History Programs are no longer off not off limits either. All new History programs are deliberately thought provoking and provocative to muddy the waters. All very deliberate to undermine White achievements. Literally cultural appropriation.

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Sport has also been turned to shit. My one escapism after ditching all the Woke shit on Netflix/Disney etc.

Literally every Male Football Game I Watch now has some uber irritating cackling Female commentator. Followed by Female punditry in both the Studio and on Pitch Side. White Males are being replaced by White Women and Black Males. Chemistry is dead. No options to turn this shit off, other than turning down the Volume. It is like they don’t give a fuck about their viewing core Base. Determined to force people to watch their shit no matter the financial Cost.

The Only Comedy allowed these days is by those Irritating unfunny Lefty Lunatics that the big Corporations like Sky/BBC love. Cracking jokes about heterosexual White people. The only group you can legally take the piss out off with no fear of being held accountable.

TV is dead.