The American Dream is becoming increasingly out of reach

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George Carlin: “They call it the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe in it.”

The American Dream is alive and well for most, but the younger generation and less educated do not share such optimism, according to a new poll conducted by NORC – University of Chicago.

In a survey of 2,187 of U.S. residents – regardless of age, race, ethnicity, income, or education – a whopping 75% of respondents said they had achieved or are on their way to obtaining the American Dream, namely economic opportunity and freedom of choice.

On a bleaker note, the number of Americans who say success is out of their reach and no longer view the United States as the “land of opportunity” rose from 18% percent last year to 24% in 2023.

Nearly twice as many people with only a high school diploma — 31% — say the American Dream is out of reach compared to 16% of those with a college degree.

h/t Simian_Stacker

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