The Alien Narrative Being Pushed by Matt Walsh and Tucker Carlson is an Obvious Psyop

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by Chris Black

The source for it is literally the US Department of Defense, and it’s designed to make right-wingers look retarded by association and mix the advancing prowhite talking points on the Right with nonsense to make contard media consumers seem crazy.

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This disinformation strategy to mix anti-establishment narratives with conspiratard nonsense to undermine anti-establishment narratives is nothing new. 

This is the modus operandi of Alex Jones – spread retarded nonsense through the right-wing to prevent it from developing a coherent and sensible critique of the Antiwhite Agenda, Zio-Power, etc.

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Very important that people form a strong counter-narrative and ridicule this, the enemy is trying to flood the zone with disinfo because different narratives are advancing.’s:b