That Titanic Mini-Sub Was an Accident Waiting to Happen

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by Chris Black

Someone posted this clip, showing just how absurd the machine was.

They were just using random parts from Home Depot, and it was controlled by a shitty Logitech gaming controller that I wouldn’t be caught dead playing Dark Souls with.

>Sub never tested down to 4000m, only 3000

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>No ventilation system

>Wireless controller

>High oxygen environment like Apollo 1

>No way to open from inside, you get bolted in until an external crew unbolt you

>No sensors for air CO2 inside

>Carbon fiber hull

>CEO hired young inexperienced team because he didn’t want ’50 year old white guys’

What’s more, a journalist who did a show about the pod adventure tour said that when he was filming the show, they lost the pod for 5 hours.

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He was on the boat overhead, and they turned off his internet so he wouldn’t tweet about it.

This submarine expert guy on YouTube says they’re all dead.

Billionaires are literal retards.

You don’t get wealthy because you’re a genius, you get wealthy from being well connected.

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