TDS:Texan family buys $50,000 home in Italy because of ‘police brutality, mass shootings and overall hate’ in the USA – and blame Trump for the ‘black exodus’

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Nadine Dawkins, 59, and her husband Kim, 61, have bought a house in the town of Latronico
They decided to leave America following murder of George Floyd in 2020
Nadine said the ‘racism’ and ‘divisiveness’ of the Trump administration had led to an exodus of black people from the US

A family in Texas is permanently moving to Italy because of ‘police brutality’, ‘mass shootings’ and the ‘overall hate’ in the US after learning of a scheme selling cheap houses that are otherwise sitting empty.

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Nadine Dawkins, 59, her husband Kim, 61, and their two children Lorenzo, 29, and DeNae, 27, have bought a house in the Italian town of Latronico in Southern Italy for $46,700.

They were inspired to move after reading about Latronico’s initiative to sell cheap houses that are already inhabitable.

They decided to leave America three years ago following the murder of George Floyd, who died on May 25, 2020 after former Minneapolis officer Derek Chauvin knelt on his neck for nine and a half minutes.

Nadine also hit out at the Donald Trump administration and said the ‘racism’ and ‘divisiveness’ had led to an exodus of black people from the US.

The family are currently preparing for the life-changing move and will head to Panama shortly before flying to Italy.


h/t Coastie Patriot

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