A woman is outraged after taking her car to the mechanic and getting it back with 2,000 extra miles on it. How common is this?
TikTok user @frenchietopia posted a video two days ago after getting her car back from the mechanic. “I’m driving, and I’m at a red light, and I’m in shock,” @frenchietopia says. “My car was in the body shop for about 10 days, and let me show you something. Mileage in: 26,921. Look at this. Why does my car have 28,879? Ten days at the body shop, and it has extra 1,000 miles. Why?”
So she says she called the body shop and asked them for an explanation.
Do mechanics drive your car?
It’s common practice for mechanics to test-drive customer vehicles to ensure they are running smoothly after repairs. But @frenchietopia says that her car didn’t need to be test-driven as it had cosmetic repair work done.
“Why do they need to drive my car?” she asks. “It just needed some body repair.”
In a follow-up video, @frenchietopia says a lawyer told her the burden of proof rests with her. And, unfortunately, she says her car is not equipped with a tracker or dash cam.