Social Insanity Are Starting To Appear All Over America And You Are Not Ready For What’s Coming

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Do you still doubt that chaos is about to erupt in every corner of the United States in the coming months?

The latest events are proof that social tensions are escalating alarmingly fast all over the country.

Our population is becoming increasingly more divided – something that will likely get worse when people start heading to the ballots in November.

Extremist attacks are a real threat we should all be very concerned about.

During such uncertain times, widespread civil unrest can emerge unexpectedly. We have witnessed it happening before.

Still, it is hard to predict when riots and mobs will take over our streets. In fact, when you watch documentaries or interviews from people who’ve been through a major civil conflict, a lot of them say they didn’t see it coming.

The truth is that we’ve been conditioned to ignore the signs. Most people don’t even know what to look for or when to start thinking about leaving and looking for a safe place to hide.

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That’s because we are constantly being exposed to manipulated media messages that divert our attention from the real problems around us. To the point that it desensitizes the public from seeing the imminent risks of social upheaval coming straight at us!

Civil disorder takes many forms. Whether it’s in its beginning stages or has turned into running battles between authorities and groups of protestors, one thing holds true: You don’t want to find yourself in the middle of it.