So You Thought It is Fake? Well, You Were Wrong!

Sharing is Caring!

by Chris Black

Early life check?

Not needed. It’s so obvious.

>Some of the photographs, more than 1,300, and videos in Sohmer’s collection show kids as young as 3 or 4 years old.

>Along with the photos, police also found text messages that were reportedly sent by Sohmer and shared details on how to kidnap and rape a child. Those troubling conversations, according to Berkshire Assistant District Attorney Marianne Shelvey, added “a level of extreme cruelty” to the case.

See also  Well, to the people living large off of gov't embezzlement and maybe facing jail time, it is very hostile.

>Shelvey told TheWrap that this is “one of the most egregious cases” she’s ever seen.

>Sohmer was released after posting a $100,000 cash bail with strict conditions that prohibit any contact with minors and prohibit his use of the internet.

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Imagine having evidence of some 1,300 crimes against children and the DA is just like yeah you can post bail, then fly to Israel and live your life like nothing ever happened.

These people told you that Pizzagate is fake, and you believed them.