by empeethreee
The other day I saw some clips on YT of life in the 90’s, just some short videos of peoples every day life back then, nothing special or out of the ordinary.
But, seeing that myself is born in the mid 80’s, I could relate to a lot that was going on in the videos, the vibe, the banter and the overall feeling to it, so to speak. It definitely made me nostalgic, almost on the brink of sad, to be honest.
What I’m trying to get to is; back then, there were more of, how should I put this, constellations or mini-verses of people everywhere that were up to their own stuff and their own ways of living, authentically and originally so. Everybody was different back then, I’m talking looks, style of clothing, hobbies and even how we perceived life.
For instance, if you didn’t know where your group of friends were, you hopped on your bike and you found out. Moreover, if you missed your favorite music/video on MTV, you glued yourself in front of the TV until it came on again. Patience, I guess.
Compared to having lived that, every thing is just so generic today. I mean that in a sense where, seeing as the internet (more specifically, smart phones) connected us all, it also inadvertently made it so that we are all molded into the same beliefs and mentality and so on and so forth.
I think it’s the way that everything is just instantaneous now, whether it’s information, actors, art, music or fashion, everybody knows everything already and everybody’s ahead of you when it comes to just about everything.
What I’m trying to say is that, none of this is really a bad thing in itself, it’s just that the feeling of mystery that somehow embraced every little moment back then, when everybody wasn’t connected or plugged in, is just gone somehow, and I miss it very much.
I guess that it may also always have been like this, it’s just that we notice it from a different perspective now.
To wrap this up, I think that from a governmental (population control) point of view, the smart phone definitely is the greatest achievement yet. Having everybody plugged in all the time probably speeds up the process of having more people thinking the same way, than anything else.
Good night from this 37 year old.
Stay together.