Simply Unaffordable! Income Needed To Buy A Home Is $111k While Median Household Income Is Only $78k, Credit Card Delinquencies Highest Since 1991, REITs Down > -10% YTD (Bitcoin, Gold UP YTD!)

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by confoundedinterest17

Bidenomics is a windfall for the donor class (high rate of return on campaign contributions) while the middle class gets beaten to a pulp. Waiting for Biden to lean over and creepily whisper “It’s working!” Even though it is clearly not working, at least for the middle class.

Evidence that Bidenomics is not working and destructive? Try the surging income needed to buy a house under Biden. Home prices are rising faster than median household income. As in $111,000 income needed to buy a house, while median household income is only $78,000. So, housing is simply unaffordable under Bidenomics. The Biden era is outlined in pink.

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Mortgage purchase applications have collapsed to 1994 levels.

Meanwhile, stressed households are seeing credit card delinquencies at the highest level since 1991.

2022 was a bad year for investments under Bidenomics. 2023 year to date is showing huge gains for Bitcoin, the NASDAQ and gold. Bringing up the rear are long duration Treasuries and REITs (real estate investment trusts), both earning negative returns thus far of less than -10%.

See also  Tuesday was the lowest volume on SPY for a non-holiday session since 2005.

When will we see rats fleeing the sinking SS Bidenomics as it sinks? JPMorgan Chase stock slips after bank says CEO Jamie Dimon is selling 1 million shares.

Biden, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and Fed Chair Jay Powell have a bad case of screwing you (Doctor, Doctor).