ABUSE OF POWER: Why Did the ATF Raid Baltimore Gun Rights Advocate Mark ‘Choppa’ Manley’s House? “It isn’t really clear what the feds were looking for in the raid. They spend hours tossing Manley’s home, checking gun serial numbers, and ultimately confiscating his phone. But no one was charged or arrested and no guns were confiscated. Harassment has been a hallmark of the ATF since the Biden administration launched its war on legal gun ownership not long after it took office. And the agency is, of course, refusing to comment on the case. . . . It wasn’t long ago that ATF decided that an early morning raid on the home of Bryan Malinowski was preferable to stopping him on his way to or from his place of work. Malinowski thought it was a home invasion, armed himself, and the ATF’s finest shot and killed him.”
h/t Glenn