Shot Through The Heart (Of The Economy)? US Debt UP By Same Amount In Last 4 Years Than It Did In First 221 Years (Minsky Moment When $192 TRILLION In Unfunded Liabilities Hits The Fan

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by confoundedinterest17

Shot through the heart (of the economy), and they’re to blame. The Fed and Congress give government a bad name.

When I see the faces of Alan Greenspan, Ben Bernanke, Janet Yellen and Jerome Powell, all I think of is …. the Minsky Moment brigade!

From Zero debt in 1776 to $21 trillion in 1997 and just in the last 4 years, debt has gone up by that same $21 trillion. This graph shows the debt explosion, a 63x increase.

See also  It Became Necessary to Destroy the Global Economy to Save It

And then we have Congress promising >$192 trillion in entitlements (wealth transfers) that will likley be added to the already >$32 trillion in Federal debt.


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