Everything feels so high.
SPX with 120 month moving average. Dec 2024: SPX 6000, 120MMA 3400.
Its funny how the same bullshit scams repeat, but just in VERY slight variation.
Penny stocks – Crypto
Housing shortage – Housing shortage
Dotcom – AIMy dad started day trading in the late 1990s and lost his entire six figure inheritance during the dotcom bust.
One of the… pic.twitter.com/uRf3CXcsYD
— Darth Powell (@VladTheInflator) December 10, 2024
New eras, same bubbles: the forgotten lessons of history
With US equities at record valuation peaks, investors should re-examine their risk appetite
As US equity markets trace the contours of the third great speculative bubble in history, investor confidence in a new economic era has reached extreme levels.
Among several valuation measures setting record highs is one that has reliably been a gauge for the subsequent returns and potential losses of the S&P 500 index over the following 10 to 12 years: the ratio of the market capitalisation of US non-financial companies to “gross value-added” or corporate revenues generated incrementally at each stage of production. Since early 2022, this metric has rivalled and now exceeds the peaks of both 1929 and 2000.
The algos are in a momentum feedback loop deja vu of July. Only the largest stocks are making new highs as the algos buy leveraged futures.
The crash took place during the last two weeks of July. No reason to expect anything different this time. pic.twitter.com/2PtzbafgE5
— Mac10 (@SuburbanDrone) December 11, 2024
Consumer Discretionary which includes Amazon and Tesla is now record overbought.
Good job everybody. pic.twitter.com/09LO5BbHVQ
— Mac10 (@SuburbanDrone) December 11, 2024
MAG Seven best run since July: pic.twitter.com/pQeunDCSPL
— Mac10 (@SuburbanDrone) December 11, 2024
When this all explodes I have to retire. Otherwise I might have to turn bullish. And then all of the wiped out idiots will say what the fuck is wrong with this guy, doesn't he understand risk? pic.twitter.com/kfIT9nNahI
— Mac10 (@SuburbanDrone) December 11, 2024
Any questions? pic.twitter.com/Lke1Hi8ya7
— Mac10 (@SuburbanDrone) December 11, 2024
$414B, or nearly half a trillion dollars, in market cap expansion in the top 8 stocks.
In just 1 day. pic.twitter.com/4Lx8Zn2atf— Sven Henrich (@NorthmanTrader) December 11, 2024
The perfect storm.
2025 aint gunna be pretty. pic.twitter.com/CMyxeUPGrv
— The Great Martis (@great_martis) December 11, 2024
Trump is inheriting a ticking time bomb – the new admin really has their work cut out for them, cleaning up this inflation mess: pic.twitter.com/hY5NOm2E1w
— E.J. Antoni, Ph.D. (@RealEJAntoni) December 11, 2024
BITCOIN – HERE WE GO AGAIN #Crypto #Altcoins #Bitcoin #Blockchain https://t.co/XGauU1LA5n pic.twitter.com/1IARn8ogL9
— Northstar (@NorthstarCharts) December 11, 2024
Hedge funds are using leverage to build larger positions in UK government debt, creating potential new risks in the financial system, the Bank of England has warned.
Dave Ramsden, a BoE deputy governor, said in a speech on Monday that “hedge fund leverage and concentration are a specific example of the vulnerabilities that could lead to system-wide risks and warrants continued and careful monitoring”.
Giving details of a new funding window for non-banks that the BoE plans to offer in periods of financial stress, Ramsden said the vulnerabilities created by the increased leverage and concentration of hedge funds “can amplify shocks”.