by Chris Black
Fox is at the point where it cannot go on as is, because the model its designer, Roger Ailes, came up with is now obsolete.
So, whoever inherits it, will have to reinvent it, if it is again to become relevant.
That means it will have to become Populist/Pro-White.
There is the basis for that already, as Greg Gutfield, Jesse Waters, Maria Bartiromo, and Laura Ingraham either are, or are already very sympathetic, to Populism.
If I were buying it, I would get Carlson, O’Reilly, Megan Kelly, Judge Napolitano, and Eric Bolling back on, on their terms, while jettisoning Sean Hannity, Brian Kilmeade, Harris Faulkner, and many of the Neo-Liberal limp toast in the afternoon and morning.
I would also look to add editorial commentators, like Alex Jones, Professors Thomas Sowell, David Duke, Carolyn Swain, Steve Turley, Matt Gaetz, and.Michael Savage, President Trump, Ann Coulter, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Stephens Miller and Bannon, James Edwards, Lauren Boebert, Alexes Mercouris and Christoforou, Jared Taylor, etc.
Basically, Fox needs to pull back in its stars, and add some from the real integrity from the UNcorporate political sphere..
Anything less, and it will just further become an anonymous figment of the CIA/MI6 CNN/MSNBC/NPR disinformation swamp.
Here's how Fox News announced the news about Rupert Murdoch
— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) September 21, 2023