Rodgers and Rogan Unveil Censorship ‘Playbook’ and Raise Alarms on Left’s Pedophilia Normalization Agenda

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In a captivating exchange, Aaron Rodgers and Joe Rogan delve into controversial topics, shedding light on the lab leak theory and other conspiracy theories that faced wrongful censorship. Rodgers, in particular, emphasizes a perceived “playbook” utilized by unnamed entities and drops a cryptic reference to “Disease X,” leaving listeners intrigued and skeptical.

As the conversation unfolds, Rodgers appears to align with a perspective often colloquially termed “red-pilled,” suggesting a deep skepticism towards mainstream narratives. The discussion takes a concerning turn as Rogan and Rodgers broach the topic of the Left’s alleged agenda to normalize pedophilia. Rogan, sounding a cautionary note, expresses concern that society might be on the brink of accepting individuals attracted to minors, referring to them as ‘minor attracted persons.’

See also  The new censorship must be playing badly because now the NYT and the WaPo are blaming Donald Trump for it.
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