I agree, And all reality we should buy nothat has to do with drugs from China. It's all fake, just like everything they make. It looks good, but it doesn't last but a few days. And their vitamins and drugs are filled with heavy metals arsenic all kinds of chemicals
— john pelarske (@JPelarske1957) December 3, 2024
Fact Check: 90 Percent Of Pharmaceutical Products Are Manufactured In China
“Medicines can be used as a weapon of war against the United States,” said Rosemary Gibson, a senior adviser on healthcare issues at the bioethics-focused Hastings Center, in congressional testimony in 2019.
“Supplies can be withheld. Medicines can be made with lethal contaminants or sold without any real medicine in them, rendering them ineffective.” Gibson is the co-author of the book, “China Rx: Exposing the Risks of America’s Dependence on China for Medicine.”